Saturday 21 February 2009


Most of the main pages are now up and running with sample text or links in them. I am having to wait to add the real content as the owner of the site is getting ready for a 14 day trip to Hong Kong where he will be training Chinese teachers in techniques to help pupils with Dyslexia.

I have put some photos of the students he had last time he went to Hong Kong on the About Me page and will add some text over the weekend.

I am finding that being a typesetter is not all plain sailing either. You get a set of instructions and a script from the publisher and away you go. When the book is ready it goes to the author for his/her comments. That's when the fun starts because between the time of writing the original script and getting the proofs back for checking the author may have had all sorts of ideas about how to make the book 'better'. Usually that means re-doing all the work you have just done and reformatting the book. Off it goes to the author again for approval and he decides he liked the first proof better. It is around this point that the air changes colour and scripts start flying round the room in parabolic arcs.Just to add to the fun the proof reader also tends to have very firm ideas about how she wants the book to look and that may not be in line with what the author wants. As the proof reader is married to the publisher it makes for interesting discussions.

Wednesday 18 February 2009


I have been thinking about how to offer long articles on the web.

When I was at Uni they told us that no one will read a screen full of text that needs to be scrolled more than once. The articles I am looking at adding to the website I am working on at the moment are anything up to 6 pages long in a Word document at 11pt.

The solution I have come up with relies on the articles' author being able to write a 2 paragraph precis that is displayed on the relevant web page. Below it is a link to a PDF of the full article. Just in case there are a few people still out there who haven't heard of PDFs, I have included a link on the page to the free download of the latest version of Adobe Reader which should allow anyone interested to read the article on line or print a hard copy for reading later. All I have to do is remember to lock the PDF so it can't be edited.

I have built a couple of demo pages on the site - I just hope the client approves.

Monday 16 February 2009

Day two of the new project. All the main pages of the project now exist and I have discussed with the client what he wants on the site. We have chosen a template to use and made sure the colours are web friendly but also friendly to the needs of the people who this site is aimed at.

We have looked at how to present a large number of articles for people to download. How to write an interesting account of what he does and where he does it (Hong Kong next stop) and last but not least how to make sure people can contact him or ask him questions as he travels the world.

If you want to watch this site develop you can follow what we do at I tend to upload the changes I have made each day about 7 pm.

Sunday 15 February 2009

My name is Bob and I have been designing websites for about 5 yrs now. I did learn the basics at Leeds Metropolitan University while I was taking a degree in Computing but I must admit that I am largely self taught from books and tutorials on the web.

I have just been asked to add a blog to a website I am designing for a new client so I thought it was about time I had a go at writing one of my own. I will use it to talk about the sites I am working on and any problems I hit.

I also do occasional typesetting work for a publishing house that specialises in books and teaching materials for people with reading and other learning difficulties. This entails using Adobe InDesign and image editing software.

I used to run an IT Support Service building computers and networks for small businesses but arthritis has made crawling about under desks impossible. Screwdrivers and other tools are a complete no no now so I have switched over to working at my keyboard. Even with my twisted hands I can still type with one finger on each hand and it is surprising just how fast you can go when you have to.