Saturday 21 February 2009


Most of the main pages are now up and running with sample text or links in them. I am having to wait to add the real content as the owner of the site is getting ready for a 14 day trip to Hong Kong where he will be training Chinese teachers in techniques to help pupils with Dyslexia.

I have put some photos of the students he had last time he went to Hong Kong on the About Me page and will add some text over the weekend.

I am finding that being a typesetter is not all plain sailing either. You get a set of instructions and a script from the publisher and away you go. When the book is ready it goes to the author for his/her comments. That's when the fun starts because between the time of writing the original script and getting the proofs back for checking the author may have had all sorts of ideas about how to make the book 'better'. Usually that means re-doing all the work you have just done and reformatting the book. Off it goes to the author again for approval and he decides he liked the first proof better. It is around this point that the air changes colour and scripts start flying round the room in parabolic arcs.Just to add to the fun the proof reader also tends to have very firm ideas about how she wants the book to look and that may not be in line with what the author wants. As the proof reader is married to the publisher it makes for interesting discussions.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob!

    Not surprised to find your blog is a good as all your work!

    Enjoy blogging - and maybe come and Tweet as well...??
