Friday 6 March 2009

No action on the web design front this week - One client in Hong Kong and the other busy writing books so the flow of material for the sites has dried up for the time being. I have no doubt it will start up again as soon as everyone is home again.

The credit crunch threw up a new problem this week. What do you do if your host ceases trading? One of my customers found he had lost control of his domain because it had been registered for him by his hosting company. This meant he couldn't just sign up with another host and move his web site and domain across to them. So the only way round it is via Nominet. This is not too expensive but is time consuming and has to go through several bureaucratic steps to ensure that the previous host is given time to do the 'right' thing. It all takes lots of time and in the mean time the web site is down and email may be going astray - not good.

Typesetting progressing. two books complete, one just needs corrections and two waiting for the authors additions. Maybe, just maybe, these books will get to the printers before I go on holiday this year.

I love the 102mm fans that are being put in computer cases these days. I have just moved my main computer into a new Full Tower case. It has 5 120 mm fans and yet it is almost silent in operation. Compared to my ancient server case that has 10 x 80 mm fans and sounds like a jumbo taking off it is a joy to work with. I don't have to have my sound turned up to be able to listen to News 24 which I tend to have running in the corner of my screen as I work.

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