Thursday 23 July 2009

All Change - Day 2

By the end of day one I have activated my new server, setup my domains (all 4 of them), uploaded my websites to the new server, setup email accounts and started to setup the server and permissions.

Day two started by getting all the email accounts working as they should. I then began to try to add the databases to the domains. I found I had to learn a new way of working because the new server did not accept the settings and code my previous server worked just fine with. This meant out with the manuals, fire up Google and try to work out what was different. I eventually tracked down the main difference to the path statement. My old server used


to point to the data source. The new server required the full path to be used in the connection string like this

'sConnString="PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=C:\inetpub\vhosts\\httpdocs\private\database.mdb'

quite a difference but it does now seem to work just as it should.

Late in the afternoon the publisher I worked for arrived with a script that needs correcting so I guess that as my new server is working reasonably well, it will now have to wait till the bread and butter stuff is done and I can find some time to start fine tuning.

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