Tuesday 1 December 2009

Direct Debits in 2009

I am in the process of changing banks. Part of the process is changing the direct debits I use to pay all my household bills, insurances, magazine subscriptions, utilities and all the hundred and one services that we need to pay for. I was struck rather forcibly by the different levels of security needed to change a direct debit (DD) from one account to another.

The banks are no problem at all. You can cancel the previous DD on line or by phone and setting one up is just a matter of logging in, type in the recipient, the sort code and the account number and it is up and running. Telephone companies are a very different kettle of fish. Their security is so strict that unless you have the password, a secret question, all your personal details and the phone/simm card serial number they won't even talk to you never mind change anything. I suppose it stops some lout pretending to be you and getting hold of your identity but it does make life difficult for us older people who can't remember 9 digit numbers easily.

Magazine companies, utilities, insurance companies, finance companies all again no problem at all. One phone call, account number, check ID, new bank account details, job done finish. Likewise Government agencies like pensions, ID check, new bank details, it will be up and working by the time the next payment is due.

Then we come to the Local Council. ID check, no problem. then they want to send out a new DD mandate for you to sign and send back. What's the problem? Cost. How much does it cost for a council employee to write a letter, print off and enclose a new mandate, send the letter through the internal post to the post room, use snail mail to get it to me (second class so could take up to a week) I then have to fill it all in and post it back. When it gets to the council it has to be processed through their mail system. Opened by an employee and the details checked then typed into the computer system and transmitted to my bank. I shudder to think what that all costs at £5 plus an hour. Why can't the same member of staff type the details straight into the computer system while you are on the phone. Job done time taken 2 mins maximum.

When I asked why it couldn't be done that way I was told they didn't have the software to do it and it would have to be bought in. When I asked why the same software couldn't be used that is used to type in changes from written mandates I was told that was different -, HOW? Are the details different? Is my account number any different? Do I live at a different address? Are the bank details different in some way? I think that this is a way of wasting money that you should bring to the attention of your local councillor. It is a small thing in itself but multiplied by all the changes people make to their personal and bank details it must add up to quite a considerable sum.

Well now I have this week's rant off my chest, the season of colds and flu are with us. My better half is barking like seal and spraying bugs over us every time she sneezes. Our friends all have colds, sore arms from the Swine Flu Vaccinations or in many cases both. Most of our friends are also rushing from shop to shop trying to get the Christmas shopping done and not forget all the hundred and one thing they must have to make the season a success. All our children have four feet and fur and all they bother about is that the food arrives on time and there is plenty of it. At this time of year we look at our bulging freezer, make sure the drinks cabinet is well stocked and we have a ready supply of cold remedies and look forward to everything being shut down till after New Year. I know a lot of our friends look forward to getting together with family at this time of year and in the past so have we but now we are old and knackered we instead look forward to a time of peace and quiet when everyone else is too busy to bother about misbehaving computers and websites that need tweaking. I know - Bah Humbug as a certain fictional character would say

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