Friday 29 October 2010

Time to Change

Today the BBC released a story about a debate in the House of Commons concerned with just what Google collected as it drove past our homes. you can read all about it here
Now I have heard all sorts of tales about what Google has or hasn't done but I have come to the conclusion that it better to be safe than sorry. I am recommending to all my family and friends that they change the WiFi login details on their routers. Change the login passwords on their personal accounts on their computers and last by by no means least change the passwords on all their email accounts.
I know this means a lot of careful work needs to be done but as some of the people I know have business and financial details on their computers and they rely on them for their livelihood. I feel it is better to put in an hour now than trying to rescue all their financial details and contacts after someone has has found a way in.
Given all this, it is good general practice to change your passwords monthly and to scan your computer weekly for malware and viruses. Give the number there is about now you can't be too careful.

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