Tuesday 9 June 2009

Another project finished

I have just uploaded the final files of my latest project. It is an updated website for a person who is heavily involved in providing the support for dyslexic children and adults especially those who have problems with Maths. If you want a look you can find it here after 10 am on the 9th June.

Dr Chinn also writes books about problems with maths and I have been involved in typesetting them. A new set of five books has just been released. They are :-

  • What to do when you can't Add and Subtract
  • What to do when you can't Learn the Times Table
  • What to do when you can't Multiply and Divide
  • What to do when you can't Tell the Time
  • What to do when you can't do Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

They can be bought from Egon Publishers at this address.

Now this project is out of the way I can concentrate on getting ready for the op on my hand next week. I don't know why but I feel very apprehensive about this op. Unlike previous ops I have known exactly what the surgeon is trying to achieve. This time we won't know what he is going to do until he has opened up my hand and seen just what has gone wrong with the joints at the bottom of my thumb and wrist. As the op is done under a local anaesthetic I will be able to discuss with him what he finds and listen to what he proposes to do about it. Some of my friends and colleagues find this a bit too much to take in but as an ex-nurse I am not a bit squeamish and I am too interested in the procedure to be bothered about feeling faint or sick.

I didn't finish the upgrade of my network even though I now have all the bits. My hands were too painful to hold the components and the tools. The bits will still be here once the op is over and my hand has healed and I hope I will be able to finish the upgrade then.

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