Monday 3 August 2009

Setting up the new computer

The computer Jackie won has arrived. It is huge (24" x 24" x 9") and very heavy. We unpacked it and plugged it in and it proved to be as fast as was claimed. However although it was loaded with Vista Ultimate, there was no DVD or licence. Now I know that when you win something you should be grateful for what you are given but when it comes to a computer, then one without an operating system is like a car without an engine. I rang the people who built the computer and was told that it was loaded with Vista and that was that, but as a Microsoft Partner I knew it shouldn't be delivered like that.

The competition was run by PC Format so I rang them to find out just what I should have received. I was told the computer should fully complete and ready to run. I told them what state the operating system was in and that the accessory pack for the computer case was missing too. The Editor Alan Dexter told me he would contact the computer supplier YoYoTech and find out why I had been supplied a computer with an illegal copy of Vista on it.

I am glad to report that yesterday morning a parcel arrived containing all the missing bits. The computer is now up and running with a fully legal operating system and I have been able to add the wheels to the case plus a few other bits like a floppy drive. I am glad PC Format were able to sort this one but if the prize had been won by someone with less computer knowledge than my own would they have been able to argue with the builders or would they have found the computer stopped working when Vista wouldn't activate and had to go and buy a copy at the full retail price?

I have loaded all my usual software on to the computer and it all seems to run just fine. The next test is what it will do in Windows 7. Windows 7 is released on 22nd October. I have signed up at Amazon for the pre-order scheme and hopefully saved my self about £50 on the full price. I am at present using the RC 1 version of Windows 7 on two of my computers and I like it. So far I have had no problems with it as most of the hardware manufacturers are bringing out Windows 7 drivers ready for the launch. The one exception is Matrox who can not or will not say when or even if they will be bringing out Windows 7 drivers so I can't test my multi screen system using my normal P690 graphics cards. In view of this I have abandoned Matrox altogether and switch back to ATI graphic cards. I don't have the massive three screen desktop you get with Matrox but the three desktops I do get with ATI are nearly as good and whats more are reliable and stable which is more than the last set of drivers for Vista 64 bit were from Matrox.

BT Internet seems to be having problems again. Several of the people I am in touch with use this ISP and all have lost their connection over the past few days and several of them also report missing email. BT Claims there is nothing wrong but if not, where are all the missing emails?

That's it for this week - bye for now.

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